A Service for public sector and private projects.

Explain – Present complex issues in a user-friendly way

Sensity Explain

provides you with a system of content for effective, consistent communication. It covers all stages of developing citizen-oriented communication, with a focus on visualization and approachable, user-friendly language.

Among other things, Sensity Explain:

  • Makes projects and issues that initially seem complicated and dull interesting.
  • Increases internal and external motivation, fostering trust and understanding, even for temporary restrictions or changes.
  • Helps avoid disruptions and distorted perceptions.
  • Enables you to respond flexibly to short-term communication needs.
  • Sensity Explain integrates modularly into your existing communication structure.
Public transportation projects as an example: Involve residents and commuters in the project through overviews, animations, and highlighting the benefits.

Understand – create order – roll out

We analyze the different layers, connections, and details of your project – also from the perspective of various stakeholders. Who needs to know what? What is the story, the motivating vision upon which everyone can agree? Which surprising information deserves more attention? What are the developments over time? Depending on your needs, we create a system of animations, text modules, inspiring visuals, maps, and other overviews. Following a solid communication plan, the content can be delivered at the right time through the right channels – whether by us, you, or your agency:

  • Social media, press appearances
  • Public media
  • Print and digital media
  • Internal publications
  • And much more
For social media and video screens: Animated maps generate positive attention.

Efficient and sustainable

Why is Sensity Explain the most efficient path to consistent communication?

Digitalization and professionalization of communication measures: Our tried and tested process leads to a communication platform/design system with checklists, modules, templates, and approval steps. This makes future communication easier and faster to produce. The various modules are tailored to your organization’s specific needs, incorporating existing guidelines and communication elements.

High quality and completeness: Our interdisciplinary team and expertise in brand and communication strategy, design, and citizen communication ensure that your communication is comprehensive and strategically aligned.


For public administrations and service providers, for cities and municipalities, for museums, galleries, and social institutions, for transportation authorities and companies.

Yes, we can seamlessly integrate Sensity Explain into your existing communication structure. While Sensity offers traditional agency services – also in conjunction with Explain – we also have extensive experience in strategic collaboration with agencies.

Not primarily. The consulting aspect focuses on strategically crafting the right messages. However, the main focus is on producing practical, usable results. We leverage our experience in service design and public communication to achieve this.

You decide. The more background knowledge we have, the better and more efficiently the communication can be developed. The analysis of the current state can be conducted very efficiently. If you want to broaden the scope of your project, Sensity’s Research Department is available to assist.

No, for this please refer to our "The New Participation" offering.

That varies. We can handle the entire production and communication process. Sensity Explain, in the narrower sense, focuses on the conceptual creation of content –visualizations, texts, messages, overviews – and their integration into a communication plan.

Yes. By establishing a design system, our approach fully leverages its efficiency potential for multiple, consecutive communication measures or campaigns.

Working with Sensity

Sensity operates methodically, creatively, and always with a focus on meaningful simplification. We are experts in design, communication, and service design – with extensive experience in public communication, citizen engagement, and visualization. Our presentation of the National Luxembourg Communication Plan won the prestigious iF Design Award in the category of “Communication Design – Publications” in 2023.

Ready to start your project with us?

Get in touch with us now. We look forward to hearing from you and are happy to provide information about our offerings.

Contact Marcel

Marcel Befort
Managing Partner
+352 27 405 680

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Innovation and Design Innovation and Design

Innovation and Design

From strategy to developing products and services – we shape tomorrow's innovation through design.

Cities and Governments Cities and Governments

Cities and Governments

Sensity is your trusted partner in shaping the future of cities and their environments.